Saturday 1 November 2014

Trance clips

This shows that the women is in control of the situation, showing that masculinity does not hold the key to power.

Shows that the man with the shotgun ( Frank ) has more power than the others because of the gun. This shows that he has more power which makes him more masculine than the others. It could be said that the use of the gun is cowardly and could demasculise him.

This shows that power comes with strength and power all characteristics associated with men making masculinity a source of power

Starred up videos

Shows that the women is in charge over all of the men, this shows that masculinity does not provide power.

Shows that Eric is in control and uses violence to show power making him more masculine than the character he is beating up, showing that the more masculine the man the more power he holds.

The man controlling the group is the less threatening there e.g deep voice and his build, making him less masculine compared to the others, this shows that masculinity does not provide power.